Meet Our Club Managers
We have two On Premise Managers who manage the day to day affairs of the club, with oversight direction from the Board of Directors.

Club Manager (Days and Weekends)
Meet Our Board of Directors
The Directors manage the affairs of the Alano Club and are responsible for and supervise management of the Club premises.

Jim Jerome
Board Chair

Ralph Friederichsen
Board Vice-Chair

Neil Gordon
Board Secretary

Bruce Jameson
Board Treasurer

Karl Whytock
Director of Facilities

Kevin B.
Director At Large

Larry Onofrychuk
Director At Large

Rene Leclair
Director – Friendship Dinner

Jessica Manderville
Director of Web Services

Emile Carle
Director Membership Services
Director At Large

Derek H.
Director at Large
Meet Our Trustees
The Trustees of the Alano Club serve as an advisory and oversight committee. Their responsibilies include to advise the Board on interpretation of the Bylaws, and to ensure that financial accounts and receipts of the Club are properly audited. They can call a special General Meeting of our membership to resolve differences with the Board of Directors if they feel that’s needed.

Jim Rae


